
December 7, 2022 

8:00am–12:00pm New York | 2:00-6:00pm Morocco | 3:00-7:00pm Egypt | 3:00-7:00pm Palestine | 4:00-8:00pm Jordan

Recording coming soon!

in Eastern Standard Time

8:00-8:15AM Opening remarks
8:15-9:45AM Synchronous Presentations
9:45-10:45AM NGO Roundtable
10:45-11:00AM Break
11:00-11:15AM  Asynchronous Review
11:15-11:45AM  Asynchronous Discussion
11:45-12PM Concluding Remarks

NGO Roundtable

Heya Masr Foundation:

Mission: Heya Masr (She is Egypt) aims to restore the sense of dignity and pride in young Egyptian women by building their self-confidence and empowering them mentally and physically to develop themselves, overcome all sorts of physical and psychological violence, break the cycle of traumas and abuse, and aim for a better future for themselves, and their societies. To generate a multiplier effect for a stronger and more sustainable impact, Heya Masr supports women’s empowerment by parallelly and equally educating not only girls but boys and parents to raise a generation.

Inter-Islamic Network on Water Development and Management:

INWRDAM is non-governmental, autonomous organization operating under the umbrella of the Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Art for Refugees in Transition:

Art for Refugees in Transition (A.R.T.) helps rebuild individual and community identity for refugees worldwide. Drawing upon the indigenous art forms of each community, A.R.T.s programs are designed to enable the elders of a culture to educate and incorporate the younger generation in their cultural traditions. By developing self-sustaining curricula and training programs, A.R.T. engages children and adults in visual, performing and creative arts drawn from their own cultures.

Community Development and Continuing Education Institute:

The Community Development & Continuing Education Institute (CDCE-I) is a non-governmental nonprofit organization established in Bethlehem in 2010. CDCE-I promotes the values of human rights, pluralism, equality, good governance, and civic participation within the Palestinian society. The Institute seeks to improve the environment within its community in harmony with the Palestinian National Development Plan, and through strategic partnerships with public, private, and civil sector institutions. CDCE-I strives to play a key role in the areas of youth and community development in the West Bank in general, and Bethlehem governorate in particular, with the objective of enhancing civic and economic participation for all.